Monday, March 31, 2008

Reading Blog #6

I read all of my third book it was 170 pages long.

What I read was that the main character Anthony "Spoons" Whiterspoon is studying at an academy named Wallingford and he has a girlfriend named Gabriela "Gabi" and at the academy he makes friends but feels a little out of place. His friends names are Chanelle, Brand and Julie. He has been at the academy for five months and he goes back home on a train with Chanelle and on their way they talk about their families and what they are going to do during Christmas break. When they get to New York they each go their separate ways and Spoons goes to see Gabi. When he is with Gabi she tells him that her mom is sick and that she is responsible for her younger brother and her grandfather who's going blind. Spoons feels a little tense being back in his neighborhood because he was use to the life at the academy. During his break one of his friends from the neighborhood gets stabbed and he finds out that his true love Gabi is using drugs. He also hangs out with some of the kids from the academy and goes to play basketball and Chanelle invites him to her house and he accepts and when they were there they started to kiss and then they stopped but Chanelle told Spoons they were going to have to keep it on the down low when they got to the academy like they had an official relationship even though she knows that Spoons is going with Gabi. After that Spoons goes to met up with Gabi but she doesn't show up and then she calls him at 4 in the morning and tells him her mom died. The next day Spoons goes to her house and she is not there and he talks to her grandfather who tell him about the Dominican Republic. Spoons spend about three days looking for her and when he finally finds her she high and a mess. Then they went to Gabi's house and Spoons had to call Chanelle and borrow a dress because Gabi didn't have anything to wear to the funeral. Then Spoons didn't go to school because he helped Gabi find a place for rehabilitation and then he went to school and saw Chanelle again nothing romantic ever happened. He graduated that summer and went back to Harlem and he found out that Gabi's little brother was using drugs and he was also put on rehabilitation. Once the summer ended Spoons went to Brown University and Gabi went to visit him and they were still a couple but did not know where they would end up in a few years and Spoons is a little uneasy because if the streets got the better of Gabi they could get him too.

In this book I found a few different themes. One was drugs because some of the characters were using them. Another was changes because a lot of changes occurred like when Spoons went back after five months and found his girlfriend doing drugs. The last one that was not mentioned very much was the police because there was a part were some people were going to get taken to jail and they were not obeying the cops and they got beat up.

One of my thesis could be: It is hard to get use to new things, but when you do it is usually for the best.
The second idea is: There are times when people want to hold us back or push us forward, but we just need to know who to trust.

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