Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Reading Blog #5 1/2

I read from page 211 to page 266. I finished my second book and I'm beginning my third book.

What I read was that Slam's grandmother got out of the hospital and is doing better. Also Slam almost hit one of his teachers because he felt dissed and then he understood that the teacher was right and apologized. Slam finally finished his video for school and he played against Carver his old high school. He had to cover Ice his best friend it was a tough game because they knew each other very well. Slam and his team ended up winning the game and Ice invited Slam to a party. At the party Slam realizes that Ice is dealing crack and they start fighting after that Ice and Slam don't speak to each other any more. The next day Slam goes to school and everyone is congratulating him and saying he played very well. His English teacher asks him to show his video to the school and he invites Mtisha and when the scene that had Ice on it came up he looked away. The book ended with the coach telling them that they have to practice hard for the tournament of champions because they have to face Carver again and he gives Slam respect with it comes to his game.

I have not been able to come up with more ideas for my paper just yet but my idea of determination is strong because in the first book Steve is determined to get out of jail and he cooperates the whole time and he get out free and with out any charges. In the second book it seems that Slam is determined to a few things. One is to do well in school and by the end he is doing better because he's actually doing work. The second is to find out if Ice is dealing or not and he finds out that Ice is and that ends their friendship. The last and most important because it seems to be the main focus of the book is getting the respect he deserves on the court from the coach and he does. Now, I just need to find out if this occurs in my third book as well.

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