Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reading Blog #5

I read and still am reading my second book, but I'm very close in finishing it I only need about 50 more pages. I read from page 154 to page 211 and the book consists of 266 pages.

What I read was that Slam's team was playing against Trinity and there was a white boy named Brothers who was on top of Slam's game the whole time. Slam and his team made a huge comeback and only lost by one point and the whole team was upset. I also read that Slam's dad broke his arm and that Mtisha invited him to dinner and made him 30 math problems which she wants him to solve. Mtisha also asked Slam if he had talked to Ice to see if he was dealing drugs and he told her he would do it in a few days. The I read that Slam went looking for Ice but Ice was not home so he talked to Ice's mom for a little bit and when he was leaving he ran into Ice outside. While they were talking some guy was having a heart attack across the street and Ice gave money to a girl who called 911 and to two guys who gave the man CPR. After that Slam asked Ice if he was dealing because he had a lot of money and a bunch of nice clothes and Ice answered that he was not. When Slam went home he was told that Mtisha had called and he called her back and she told him she had found the camera but that he had to go pay Carl (owner of a pawn shop) and that she would give it to him the next day at one of Ice's basketball games. Slam got the score to the PSAT and he got a 740 and a lot of his friends got 1100 or higher.I also read that Slam's team had a game against Hunter and Slam got mad that he was not starting and at the coach for dissing his game. The team was losing by a lot with one minute left to play and the coach wanted to put him in the game and Slam didn't go in because he felt like he was being used only when certain people wanted and after the half time Goldy (assistant coach) convinced him that he should play and he did.

I have not come up with a specific theme or idea I want to guide my paper on and it is because I find it very hard to make connections between my books because they are about different topics. What I have come up with previously was self-determination and I have come up a new ideas. The idea is being exposed to new things specifically a new culture. This came up because in the first book a young man had to get used to the life in jail which is very different from the real world because in jail you have to be tough and hide your emotion and in the real world you don't have to but sometimes you prefer to. In the second book the young man has to get used to a new school, new friends,new team,new coach, and new curriculum. The young man was use to going to a school were people really didn't care about the grades and at the new school it seems thats all they care about.

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