Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reading Blog #2

I started reading my second American author book during this break. The book that I'm reading is Slam! So far I have read up to page 61 (chapter 6). What I read in the book was that a 17 year old boy named Greg Harris has a deep passion for basketball and the only thing that makes him mad is not being able to play or getting dissed on the court this story takes place in New York. He was going to a school named Carver and he got transfered into a school named Latimer with is a magnet (integrated) school and he goes out for the basketball team. Greg is really good at basketball and all his friends from his neighborhood and old school call him Slam because he like to dunk a lot. In these chapters we also hear about two of his friends from his old school. One of them gets referred to as Ice and he likes to play basketball too and Slam has known him since they were little. His other friend is a girl named Mtisha and he has known her for a long time and he has a huge crush on her. I also read about Slam's family, he has a younger brother named Derek, a mom who's always worried about him and school, a dad who is alright when he has a job, and a grandmother who is very ill because she has a tumor that has spread. The basketball coach gives slam a hard time because he wants Slam to play with the team and not hog the ball and Slam is also getting a hard time from his principal because he is very far behind and since this school is more advanced than his previous one he needs to caught up.
A good topic for this could be passion because Slam is very passionate for basketball and will do anything to continue playing it. I find easy to use this as a topic because throughout the book I will read whether or not this passion for basketball will grow or become less and I will also be able to read what it is he's capable of doing for his passion of basketball. I think another good topic could be difficulties or hardships because from the beginning you read that he's faced with problems and he is most likely going to be faced with more throughout the story and he's going to have to find a way to over come them.

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